The Collection
Our mezuzah scroll, kosher and handwritten by an expert Sofer on parchment, comes with a prayer in a protective sleeve that attaches to the mezuzah case’s back. We include easy-to-follow mounting instructions and nails for doorway attachment, as well as a brief blessing to recite upon installation.
“A mezuzah mounted on the doorpost designates the home as Jewish, reminding us of our connection to our faith and our heritage.”

Sterling Silver Torah Pointers
The Yad, or Torah Pointer, literally means hand. The Yad links a thirteen-year-old’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah to thousands of years of tradition. Whether in the hands of a young reader or a seasoned adult lainer, it helps navigate the Torah’s text during synagogue readings, ensuring no direct human contact with the scroll. The Yad stays with a child into adulthood, becoming a treasured keepsake, a wonderful remembrance of his or her personal connection to the Torah.
“When I go to the synagogue today, there is a deep feeling that this is my heritage, this is my people. I am very much moved. It brings me back to the little boy who was bar mitzvahed.” – Abe Vigoda

Honey Spoons
In the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the tradition of dipping apples in honey symbolizes the wish for a sweet year ahead. Our collection of Honey Spoons is crafted to complement this meaningful ritual with beauty and grace. Each spoon is designed with care, featuring motifs that reflect Jewish culture and the spirit of renewal that Rosh Hashanah brings.

Every winter, we celebrate the miracle of the Maccabees and marvel at the small amount of oil that somehow burned for eight long days. In daily recognition of this miracle, we light an extra candle, lit by the shamus, the helper candle. As we approach the final night of the holiday, the Menorah is aglow with the light of the eight candles, and the loyal shamus stands proudly beside, reflecting on its role.
“We celebrated Hanukah together in Chistopol prison in 1980, lighting pieces of wax paper we had stashed away for months and hoping they would last long enough for us to say the prayers over them.” – Natan Sharansky, on Chanukah in prison, Siberia

Seder Plates
No other holiday expresses the entirety of the Jewish experience, past, present, and future, as does Passover. Each step in the Seder brings into focus the wonderful story of redemption and freedom, and a promise for the future. The Seder plate and its symbols are the source of discussion for the entire ceremonial meal. From childhood through old age, we cherish each explanation.
“We had Passover at the Hotel Forum and we invited the whole cast and crew to come. The Israeli actors all came in and sat around me with the Haggadahs, and then all the German actors playing the Germans came in. And the Israeli actors took the German actors and shared their Haggadahs with them; they took them through the entire Seder. I sat at the head of the table and I just cried like a baby… I was wrecked by that… The fact that the German actors took it upon themselves to come to a Seder and sit with the Israeli actors and learn about the holiday was an epiphany for me. ”
– Steven Spielberg, recalling a Passover Seder during the filming of Schindler’s List

Shabbat Candles
For six days, we give ourselves to work and other practical matters. Friday evening, minutes before sunset, we are called upon to reflect and refresh. This is a time to focus on family as we gather to light the Shabbat candles. Jewish wisdom explains that Shabbat is “the desire of all days and the spiritual place which all the other days lean towards.”
“What I remember most vividly about my Jewish upbringing was my mother lighting Friday night candles.” – Melissa Manchester

Besamim Spice Boxes
Lighting the candles and performing Kiddush ushers in the Sabbath. However, it is the spice box, or Besamim, that provides a means of comfort as the Sabbath draws to an end. Dried cardamom, cloves, orange and lemon peel, evoke our sense of smell, the most spiritual of the senses. The fragrant spices, wafting from the Besamim chamber, help make the transition from a day of rest, to the workweek ahead.
“Being a Jew is like walking in the wind or swimming: you are touched at all points and conscious everywhere.” – Lionel Trilling

Tzedakah Boxes
Tzedakah, helping others and performing acts of loving kindness, connects us all to the Jewish concepts of righteousness, charity and justice. A Tzedakah box is found at home and in the synagogue. Its top is slotted so that coins may be collected. When the box is full, the money is donated to a worthy cause. The family Tzedakah box nourishes a powerful connection, both personal and spiritual, between the individual and the community.

Kiddush Cups
After the candles are lit, the Kiddush blessing is said over wine sipped from any cup, but it is customary to use a special ceremonial cup or goblet. The words of the Kiddush blessing sanctify the six days of creation. Jewish wisdom tells us, “for God’s resting on the seventh day, he gave the world a soul.”
“I shall never forget Shabbat in my town. When I shall have forgotten everything else, my memory will still retain the atmosphere of holiday, of serenity pervading even the poorest houses; the white tablecloth, the candles, the meticulously combed little girls, the men on their way to the synagogue.” – Elie Wiesel

Carpets of Jerusalem
At the dawn of the twentieth century, Jerusalem’s Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts created modern Judaica masterpieces, now housed in museums and valued collections across the world. Our collection includes replicas of the exquisite carpets made in Bezalel’s ateliers and weaving rooms, each narrating a tale with Jewish symbols, biblical scenes, historic Holy Land sites, and images of a new Jewish identity. Handwoven, knot-by-knot, using the finest handspun wool and all natural dyes, this collection captures the spirit and beauty of the original carpets of Bezalel.

Judaic Jewelry
Judaic Jewelry embodies the rich tapestry of Jewish tradition and culture, serving as a tangible link to an ancient past and a vibrant present. Our collection includes pieces inspired by traditional symbols such as the Star of David, each crafted with attention to detail and reverence for their significance. These symbols carry spiritual meaning, offering protection, blessings, and a connection to the divine. Each piece is designed to be more than just an accessory; it’s a personal expression of faith, identity, and heritage.